■商品番号300214-1■JANコード300214-1■商品概要カラー:ブラックU.S.A.製:-素材:テキスタイルモデル:TUNNEL PAKサイズ:16.5”L×10”W×12.5”Hタイプ:トンネルバッグ汎用:○COLOR:BlackMADE IN THE U.S.A.:NoMATERIAL:TextileMODEL:Tunnel PakSIZE:16.5”L x 10”W x 12.5”HTYPE:Tunnel BagUNIVERSAL:Yes■詳細説明・Features a versatile four-point cam buckle hold-down system that allows installation either lengthwise or crosswise and ensuring contents are secure on even the harshest trails・This system, along with the convenient handle, makes it easy to remove and take with you at the end of the day・Expandable main pocket, 1260d waterproof fabric and covered zippers makes the bag virtually waterproof;extra-large zippers for easy access・Top and side pockets for storing smaller, yet essential items・Anti-slip and anti-scratch pocket provided at the bottom of the bag・Two webbing straps on top to secure larger items・Shovel blade pouch on top for quick access and two side hook-and-loop-secured loops to secure the shovel rod・Bag accommodates 9” wide shovel・Installs easily on both mountain and trail sleds・Size:16.5”L x 10”W x 9.5” H (non-expanded)/12.5”H (expanded)・Available in black■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。
※在庫の状況は2019年10月15日 10:26現在のものです。